Southern Germany truly proved to be a journey rich in discoveries and pleasant surprises for us. Our trip ultimately dispelled many stereotypes we had about this region. It’s safe to say that we thoroughly enjoyed exploring this part of Germany! Now, we’ll reveal what we took away from our experience with a motorhome in Germany: Is this region suitable for motorhomes and camper vans? Is parking easy? Are there nice spots to find? Our thoughts are below 👇

Driving a motorhome on southern German roads

Let’s talk about the roads first because where we’re going we need roads!

Seriously though, driving in Germany couldn’t have been simpler and more efficient. The signage, lane layouts, traffic lights (which turn amber before turning green)… everything seems logically designed, clear, and well-marked. We personally encountered no difficulties on the roads, even when veering off major highways. The roads remain sufficiently wide, unlike our narrow country lanes back in France, where you have to yield every 50 meters. Quite a change!

Another crucial point for vehicle travelers: there are no tolls on the highways in Germany. Highways are indeed free to use! Fuel prices are also lower (we were there in 2023), making the journey quite affordable even on a limited budget.

Regarding highways, there are many sections without speed limits. It’s common to see large sedans zoom past at twice our cruising speed! Keep an eye on your mirrors and think carefully before changing lanes if you plan to overtake.

Motorhome service areas in Germany

Germany is truly the land of motorhomes! Needless to say, you won’t be alone and you’re likely to encounter a fellow camper every 10 minutes!

This has its advantages, especially when it comes to motorhome service areas – you’ll find them absolutely everywhere! This includes even near major cities like Munich. The best way to locate these areas is by using the park4night app. They are also well signposted with road signs when you’re approaching them.

In terms of how these areas operate, there are a few slight differences compared to France. Make sure you have some coins handy! Nearly all the areas we visited had payment terminals that accept coins. Electricity is paid per kilowatt-hour and water per liter. With 2 euros, you’ll get a certain amount of electricity.

As for pricing, it’s honestly very affordable, typically ranging from 10 cents per kWh to a maximum of 50 cents. We didn’t come across any areas that use token-operated machines like some we’ve seen in our villages, which is a good thing!

We’ve tried a bit of everything – from spacious countryside spots with great views to tightly packed areas resembling sardines near places like Legoland. With a bit of searching and depending on your destination, you’ll find a variety of options.

Nature spots in a camper van in Germany

If you prefer the tranquility of a secluded spot in nature, far away from crowds at service areas, it might be a bit more challenging, depending on your preferences.

You can fairly easily find spots at picnic areas where there are no restrictions, often located on the edges of forests or in rural areas throughout Germany. Personally, we enjoy these types of spots, although in Germany, as you might expect, you’ll likely be joined by at least one fellow camper at some point!

Most of these spots indicate whether overnight stays are prohibited, although such restrictions are rare.

It is generally allowed to spend the night in these spots, provided, of course, that you leave the area clean behind you – that’s the basic rule!

Cuisine in southern Germany

You’ll need to set aside any preconceptions – we had some excellent meals in Germany! As you know by now, we’re very curious and quite fond of good food! When we travel abroad, we always try to sample local specialties and taste everything!

In the Black Forest, treat yourself to the famous Black Forest cake, best enjoyed in Triberg where it originated!

In Munich, discover the white sausages served in broth with honey mustard and a pretzel! Don’t miss the Kaiserschmarrn for dessert – it’s a delight!

In Rothenburg, try the Schneeballen, large balls of pastry flavored in various ways.

For all you food enthusiasts, you can find details on all these specialties and restaurant recommendations on our Instagram page under the pinned stories titled "Germany."

Parking a motorhome in southern Germany

Parking your motorhome in Germany, even in large cities, is hassle-free. Generally, you’ll find designated parking areas or day-use lots for motorhomes everywhere! These parking spots are typically paid, but the fees are reasonable, so it’s up to your preference.

In tourist spots like museums, castles, and other attractions, you’ll always find dedicated parking areas for motorhomes. Be sure to park in designated spaces, as you’ll quickly notice that Germans are very respectful about this – you won’t find cars encroaching into motorhome areas, which is quite pleasant!

Our recap of our road trip in southern Germany

You’ve probably guessed by now that we absolutely loved our road trip in southern Germany, and we’d love to return to explore more and revisit some places.

Whether it’s the cuisine, culture, heritage, or the kindness of the people, we only have positive memories from our road trip.

During this journey, you might have noticed that we didn’t visit war-related sites because our little ones are quite young. If you’ve visited these places with young children, feel free to share your tips and feelings in the comments for other parents reading this.

The only downside was the weather. We didn’t expect so much rain in August, but many locals told us that August is known in the south for its thunderstorms, so now you’re forewarned!

About Author

We are Sophie, Adrien, and our two adorable little ones. Passionate about travel, discovery, and gastronomy, we bought a 2007 Rapido camper van to travel differently, travel more, and introduce our children to the world. Here, we share our wonderful discoveries and tips for activities to do with children in France and beyond ! Welcome !

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