Rome, the Pantheon

Let’s continue our journey on foot through the streets of Rome. Each alley more bustling than the last, hundreds of shops, restaurants with increasingly charming facades, souvenir stores… and around one corner, we stumble upon the Pantheon square by chance.

Piazza della Rotonda, at its center, hosts yet another magnificent fountain! It’s true that Rome is teeming with fountains, each more beautiful than the next.

There it stands, in the midst of it all—the Pantheon. What a splendid structure! In fact, it impressed us more than the Colosseum, so majestic and well-preserved it is. Upon entering, you first find yourself under its porch with 16 ancient columns. Its dome, completely adorned, is one of the largest ever built. Passing through its immense doors, you’re initially struck by the immense and perfect rotunda, and as you lift your gaze, by the dome itself. Walking around the rotunda, you discover chapels on the sides, each housing tombs.

The Piazza Navona

Not far from there, continuing on foot, you will come across the stunning Piazza Navona, which is rather unique due to its elliptical shape. An immense square surrounded by cafes, restaurants, palaces, and churches, at its center stands, hold your breath… more fountains! Yet again, so beautiful!

Like us, don’t hesitate to sit at a terrace with a good coffee to admire the surroundings. This square is a bit like the Italian Montmartre, with street musicians and wandering artists who offer to draw your portrait, giving it a touch of Parisian flair!

The magnificent Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi is topped with an obelisk that can be seen from afar, representing the rivers of the great continents. Don’t miss visiting the church on the square; like all Roman churches, you will be captivated by its beauty.

Unfortunately, I can’t recall its name, but behind the fountain to its right, you’ll find a tiny restaurant where they make fresh pasta right before your eyes on the terrace! A feast for the eyes and the taste buds!

About Author

We are Sophie, Adrien, and our two adorable little ones. Passionate about travel, discovery, and gastronomy, we bought a 2007 Rapido camper van to travel differently, travel more, and introduce our children to the world. Here, we share our wonderful discoveries and tips for activities to do with children in France and beyond ! Welcome !

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